The Deal

adjective & adverb
  1. 1.
    done without being planned, organized, or rehearsed.

Howdy friends and family (and internet people). This is our family blog so we can try to remember what we did and also share with the people we love (and strangers too, I guess - but hey - Asians have big families, so think of yourselves in the extended part).  We used to have a blog just about our first kiddo, Derek, but with our new addition, we have moved to a bigger universe which is an adjustment for everyone.

The Dinh-Favila gang in Palawan (2013)
Mike is the laid-back, musician/computer programmer dad. This is his band, Atoms Apart. They are pretty cool. Listen to his music and buy some so we can support our family (kiiiiding, we have day jobs - its cool).

Welcoming Quinn Luu (2014)
Tini (that's me) is the fast-talker, multitasking addicted, recovering Type-A mom(my). I try to stay neutral on the Mommy Wars, as I do the juggling and stressing about if I'm both being present enough to enjoy the miracle of raising little ones while leaning in enough to all the ambition that continues to push me to be a better person with my family and in the world (no pressure).

And yes, we have 2 little people that we created. Derek, our first-born is a slippery and fast one and we just added Quinn, who we loving only referred to as #2 in the womb since we kept her gender a surprise until her arrivalWe live on the Pike in Arlington and hope to capture the thoughts on the adventures ahead.Our hobbies include music, traveling, eating copious amounts of food and overall mayhem.  Stay tuned in!


Tini & Mike

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